Associate Professor of Earth System Science Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics and Biogeochemistry Department of Earth System Science Croul Hall 3214 University of California at Irvine Irvine, CA 92697-3100 Email: Voice: (949) 824-5391 Fax: (949) 824-3874 |
I am an oceanographer interested in the role of marine biota in global biogeochemical cycles and Earth's climate system. My research focuses on understanding how marine phytoplankton and other ocean biota influence the cycling of key elements (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, iron) in the oceans, and on the biogeochemical links between the ocean, atmosphere, and land through atmospheric transport and riverine runoff. These topics are approached through computer modeling of marine ecosystem dynamics and biogeochemical cycles, and by analysis of satellite remote sensing data of ocean physical and biological properties.
BA in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin in 1988.
MS in Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sciences from the University of
Massachusetts Boston in 1994.
Advisor: Tracy Villareal
Research: Field and lab study of large open ocean diatoms
PhD in Oceanography from Oregon State University in 1999.
Advisor: Mark Abbott
Research: Remote sensing studies of the Southern Ocean
Postdoctoral Fellow, Advanced Studies Program at the National Center for
Atmospheric Research in 1999-2001.
Advisor: Scott Doney
Research: Ecosystem and biogeochemical modeling
Visiting Scientist, Climate and Global Dynamics Division, the National Center for
Atmospheric Research in 2001-2002.
Joined the ESS Department at UC Irvine in July, 2002.
ESS 53: Ocean Biogeochemistry
ESS 138: Satellite Remote Sensing for Earth
System Science
ESS 218: Terrestrial and Marine Ecology
2009. Krishnamurthy, A., Moore, J.K., Mahowald, N., Luo, C., Doney, S.C., Lindsay, K., and C.S. Zender
The Impacts of Increasing Anthropogenic Soluble Iron and Nitrogen Deposition on Ocean Biogeochemistry
Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 23, GB3016, doi:10.1029/2008GB003440.
2008. Moore, J.K., Braucher, O.
Sedimentary and Mineral Dust Sources of Dissolved Iron to the World Ocean
Biogeosciences, 5, 631-656.
2008. Krishnamurthy, A., Moore, J.K., Doney, S.C.
The effects of dilution and mixed layer depth on deliberate ocean iron fertilization: 1-D simulations of the Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX)
Journal of Marine Systems, 71, 112-130.
2008. Han, Q., Moore, J.K., Zender, C., Measures, C., Hydes, D.
Constraining oceanic dust deposition using surface ocean dissolved Al
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22, GB2003, doi:10.1029/2007GB002975.
2007. Fitch, D., Moore, J.K.
Wind speed influence on phytoplankton bloom dynamics in the Southern Ocean maringal ice zone
JGR-Oceans, 112, C08006, doi:10.1029/2006JC004061.
2007. Krishnamurthy, A., Moore, J.K., Luo, C., Zender, C.S.
The effects of atmospheric inorganic nitrogen deposition on ocean biogeochemistry
JGR-Biogeosciences, 112, G02019, doi:10.1029/2006JG000334.
Related article that generated the N deposition fields.
2007. Luo, C., Zender, C.S., Bian, H., Metzger, S.
Role of ammonia chemistry and coarse mode aerosols in global climatological inorganic aerosol distributions
Atmospheric Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.11.030, in press.
2007. Moore, J.K., Doney, S.C.
Iron availability limits the ocean nitrogen inventory stabilizing feedbacks between marine denitrification and nitrogen fixation
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB2001, doi:10.1029/2006GB002762.
2006. Moore, J.K., Doney, S.C., Lindsay, K., Mahowald, N., Michaels, A.
Nitrogen fixation amplifies the ocean biogeochemical response to decadal
timescale variations in mineral dust deposition
Tellus, 58B, 560-572.
2006. Moore, J.K., and Doney, S.C.,
Remote sensing observations of ocean physical and biological properties in the region
of the Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX)
J. Geophys. Res., 111, C07S06, doi:10.1029/2005JC003173.
2004. Moore, J.K., Doney, S.C., and Lindsay, K.
Upper ocean ecosystem dynamics and iron cycling in a global 3D model
Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 18, GB4028, doi:10.1029/2004GB002220.
Link to Model Output on JGOFS SMP Website
Download Ecosystem Code Used in This Study
Suggested parameter updates in the Moore et al. (2006) Tellus B paper.
2003. Doney, S.C., Lindsay, K., Moore, J.K.,
Global ocean carbon cycle modeling
In: Ocean Biogeochemistry: A JGOFS Synthesis, eds. M. Fasham,
J. Field, T. Platt, B. Zeitschel, Springer-Verlag.
2003. Buesseler, K.O., Barber, R.T., Dickson, M., Hiscock, M.R., Moore, J.K., Sambrotto, R.,
The effect of marginal ice-edge dynamics on production and export
in the Southern Ocean along 170W
Deep Sea Res. II, 50: 579-603.
2002. Moore, J.K., Abbott, M.R.,
Surface chlorophyll concentrations
in relation to the Antarctic Polar Front:
Seasonal and Spatial Patterns from Satellite Observations
J. Mar. Sys., 37: 69-86.
2002. Moore, J.K., Doney, S.C.,Kleypas, J.C., Glover,D.M., Fung, I.Y.,
An intermediate complexity marine ecosystem model for the global domain
Deep-Sea Res. II, 49: 403-462.
2002. Moore, J.K., Doney, S.C., Glover, D.M., Fung, I.Y.,
Iron cycling and nutrient limitation patterns in surface waters of the world ocean
Deep-Sea Res. II, 49: 463-508.
PDF file
Link to Model Code on JGOFS SMP Website
2001. Doney, S.C., Lima, I., Lindsay, K., Moore, J.K., Dutkiewicz, S., Friedrichs, M., Matear, R.J.,
Marine biogeochemical modeling: Recent advances and future challenges
Oceanography, 14: 93-107.
2001. Yoder, J., Moore, J.K., Swift, R.,
Putting together the big picture: Remote-sensing observations of ocean color
Oceanography, 14: 33-40.
2000. Moore, J.K., Abbott, M.R.,
Phytoplankton chlorophyll distributions and primary production in the Southern Ocean
J. Geophys. Res., 105, 28,709-28,722.
2000. Moore, J.K., Abbott, M.R., Richman, J.G., Nelson, D.,
The Southern Ocean at the Last Glacial Maximum: A strong sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide
Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 14, 455-475.
2000. Smith Jr., W.O., Anderson, R.F., Moore, J.K., Codispoti, L.A., Morrison, J.M.,
The U.S. Southern Ocean Joint Global Ocean Flux Study: An Introduction to AESOPS
Deep-Sea Res. II, 47: 3073-3093.
1999. Moore, J.K., Abbott, M.R., Richman, J.G., Smith, W.O., Cowles, T.J.,
Coale, K.H., Gardner, W.D., Barber, R.T.,
SeaWiFS satellite ocean color data from the Southern Ocean
Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 1465-1468.
1999. Moore, J.K., Abbott, M.R., Richman, J.G.,
Location and dynamics of the Antarctic Polar Front from satellite sea surface temperature data
J. Geophys. Res., 104, 3059-3073.
1997. Moore, J.K., Abbott, M.R., Richman, J.G.,
Variability in the location of the Antarctic Polar Front (90-20W)
from satellite sea surface temperature data
J. Geophys. Res., 102, 27825-27833.
1996. Moore, J.K., Villareal, T.A.,
Buoyancy and growth characteristics of three positively buoyant marine diatoms
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 132, 203-213.
1996. Moore, J.K., Villareal, T.A.,
Size-ascent rate relationships in positively buoyant marine diatoms
Limnol. and Oceanography, 41, 1514-1520.
1996. Villareal, T.A., Woods, S., Moore, J.K., Culver-Rymsza, K.,
Vertical migration of
Rhizosolenia mats and their significance to NO3- fluxes
in the central North Pacific gyre
J. Plank. Res., 18, 1103-1121.