Figure 6. Global sulfur reservoirs, fluxes,
and turnover times
(mid-1980's). Major reservoirs are underlined, pool sizes and fluxes are given in Tg (1012 g) S and Tg S yr-1. Turnover times (reservoir divided by largest flux to or from reservoir ) are
in parentheses. To convert Tg S to moles S, multiply by 3.1 x 1010.
This figure is the same as Figure 5, but includes estimated
anthropogenic additions at mid-1980's rates. Most sulfur is added to the atmosphere as SO2 by combustion of sulfur-rich fossil fuels (coal, oil). The SO2 is subsequently oxidized and becomes
sulfate aerosol which is removed by precipitation.
Note that one effect of anthropogenic sulfate additions is
reversal of the net flux of sulfur from land to sea.