Instructor: Prof. Jin-Yi Yu
Office: RH228
Phone: (949) 824-3878

Course schedule: Tu, Th 11:00-12:20
Fr 1:00- 1:50 (discussion)
at Rowland Hall 184

Prerequisite: ESS101A and ESS101 B

Description: Understanding the nature of the earth climate system and how it changes. Factors influencing climate including interactions among the atmosphere, oceans, and land surface processes. Sensitivity and feedback mechanisms of climate system. Past, present, and future climate. Forecasts future climatic change due to natural and anthropogenic variability.

Week 1 - introduction to the climate system (G1, 2, 5 and E3)
global energy cycle
global water cycle
[Click here for the CLASS NOTE #1]

Week 2 - atmosphere (G6 and E4)
general circulation
jetstream and midlatitude storm
tropical convection and monsoons
[Click here for the CLASS NOTE #2]

Week 3 - ocean (G7 and E5))
thermohaline circulations
meridional heat transport
[Click here for the CLASS NOTE #3]

Week 4 - land surface (G5)
energy, water, and heat properties
[Click here for the CLASS NOTE #4]

Week 5 - climate sensitivity and feedback mechanisms (G9)
measurement of sensitivity
cloud-radiative feedback
ice-albedo feedback
water vapor feedback
[Click here for the CLASS NOTE #5]

*** Mid-term ***

Week 6 - Tectonic-Scale Climate Changes (EC 4-7)
CO2 and long-term climate
plate tectonics and climate
greenhouse Earth
icehouse Earth
[Click here for the CLASS NOTE #6]

Week 7 - Orbital-Scale Climate Changes (G8)
astronomical control of solar radiation
isolation control of monsoons and ice sheets
orbital-scale changes in CO2 and methane
orbital-scale interactions in the climate system
[Click here for the CLASS NOTE #7]

Week 8 - Deglacial and Millennial Climate Changes (G11)
the last glacial maximum
climate during and since the last glacial
millennial oscillations in climate

Week 9 - historical and anthropogenic climate change (G12 and E13, 14)
greenhouse gases and ozone hole depletion and global warming
land surface changes and Amazon deforestation and Sahara desertification

Week 10 - climate system modeling (Chapter 10)
components and hierarchy of climate system model
computational issues
modeling of climate variations (ENSO) and changes (2xCO2)

Office hours: By appointment.

Text books:
Hartmann, Dennis L.
"Global physical climatology"
Academic Press, 1994.

Lee R. Kump, James F. Kasting, Robert G. Crane
"The Earth System"
Prentice Hall

Reference books:
Trenberth, K. E., ed.
"Climate system modeling"
Cambridge Univ. Press, Nevw York, 817pp.