Balance of Force in the Vertical: Hydrostatic Balance
Thermal Energy to Kinetic Energy
Balance of Force in the Horizontal
Coriolis Force – Conservation of Angular Momentum
How Does Coriolis Force Affect Wind Motion?
Frictional Effect on Surface Flow
Single-Cell Model:
Explains Why There are Tropical Easterlies
Breakdown of the Single Cell è Three-Cell Model
Atmospheric Circulation: Zonal-mean Views
Thermally Direct/Indirect Cells
Is the Three-Cell Model Realistic?
Global Distribution of Deserts
Upper Tropospheric Circulation
Subtropical and Polar Jet Streams
Jet Streams Near the Western US
Walker Circulation and Ocean Temperature
Monsoon: Another Sea/Land-Related Circulation of the Atmosphere
Stratosphere: Circulation and Temperature
Climate Variations in Stratosphere
Ozone Hole: Forgot to Checkout?
(North Atlantic Oscillation or Annular Mode)