Vertical Structure

Balance  of Force in the Vertical: Hydrostatic Balance

Temperature and Pressure

Thermal Energy to Kinetic Energy

Balance of Force in the Horizontal

Coriolis Force – Conservation of Angular Momentum

How Does Coriolis Force Affect Wind Motion?

Geostrophic Balance

Geostrophic Flow

Cyclostrophic Flow

Summary of Air Motions

Frictional Effect on Surface Flow

Surface Geostrophic Flow

Single-Cell Model:
Explains Why There are Tropical Easterlies

Breakdown of the Single Cell è Three-Cell Model

Breakdown of One-Cell Model

Baroclinic Instability

Atmospheric Circulation: Zonal-mean Views

The Three Cells

Properties of the Three Cells

Thermally Direct/Indirect Cells

Is the Three-Cell Model Realistic?

Sea Level Pressure - July

Sinking Branches and Deserts

Global Distribution of Deserts

Upper Tropospheric Circulation

Seasonal Variation

Observed Sea Level Pressure

Subtropical and Polar Jet Streams

Thermal Wind Relation

Thermal Wind Equation

Jet Streams Near the Western US

East-West Circulation

Walker Circulation and Ocean Temperature

Walker Circulation and Ocean

Slide 37

Slide 38

Monsoon: Another Sea/Land-Related Circulation of the Atmosphere

How Many Monsoons Worldwide?

Sea/Land Breeze

Slide 42

Temperatures in Stratosphere

Circulation in Stratosphere

Stratosphere: Circulation and Temperature

Climate Variations in Stratosphere

Sudden Warming

Why Sudden Warming?


Why QBO?

Ozone Hole: Forgot to Checkout?

Arctic Oscullation

(North Atlantic Oscillation or Annular Mode)

Slide 53

Slide 54

Slide 55

Slide 56