Oceans - Outline
 Basic Dynamics
     Ekman transport
     Geostrophic Currents
     Conservation of potential vorticity
 Surface Ocean Circulation
     Subtropicl gyre
     boundary current
 Deep Ocean Circulation
    Thermohaline conveyor belt

The State of Oceans
    warm on the upper ocean, cold in the deeper ocean.
   variations caused by determined by evaporation, precipitation, sea-ice formation and melt, and river runoff.
    small in the upper ocean, large in the depper ocean.

Potential Temperature



Density and Temperature and Salinity

Vertical Structure of Ocean

Mixed Layer Processes

Seasonal Variation of Mixed Layer

Two Circulation Systems

Global Surface Currents

Six Great Current Circuits in the World Ocean

Characteristics of the Gyres
Currents are in geostropic balance
Each gyre includes 4 current components:
      two boundary currents: western and eastern
      two transverse currents: easteward and westward
Western boundary current (jet stream of ocean)
       the fast, deep, and narrow current moves warm water polarward  (transport ~50 Sv or greater)
Eastern boundary current
      the slow, shallow, and broad current moves cold water equatorward (transport ~ 10-15 Sv)
Trade wind-driven current
       the moderately shallow and broad westward current (transport ~ 30 Sv)
Westerly-driven current
       the wider and slower (than the trade wind-driven current) eastward current

Major Current Names
Western Boundary Current
     Gulf Stream (in the North Atlantic)
       Kuroshio Current (in the North Pacific)
       Brazil Current (in the South Atlantic)
       Eastern Australian Current (in the South Pacific)
       Agulhas Current (in the Indian Ocean)
Eastern Boundary Current
      Canary Current (in the North Atlantic)
       California Current (in the North Pacific)
       Benguela Current (in the South Atlantic)
       Peru Current (in the South Pacific)
      Western Australian Current (in the Indian Ocean)

Gulf Stream

Surface Current – Geostrophic Gyre
Mixed Layer
      Currents controlled by frictional force + Coriolis force
      à wind-driven circulation
      à Ekman transport (horizontal direction)
      à convergence/divergence
      à downwelling/upwelling at the bottom of mixed layer
      downwelling/upwelling in the mixed layer
      à pressure gradient force + Coriolis force
      à geostrophic current
      à Sverdrup transport (horizontal)

Step 1: Surface Winds

Winds and Surface Currents

Step 2: Ekman Layer
(frictional force + Coriolis Force)

Ekman Spiral – A Result of Coriolis Force

Formula for Ekman Transport

How Deep is the Ekman Layer?

Ekman Transport

Mixed Layers in the Atmosphere and Ocean

Step 3: Geostrophic Current
(Pressure Gradient Force + Corioils Foce)

Ekman Transport à Convergence/Divergence

Geostrophic Current

Step 4: Boundary Currents

Conservation of Potential Vorticity

Boundary Currents

Boundary Currents

Eastern Boundary Current

Costal Upwelling/Downwelling

Interior Upwelling / Downwelling

Deep Ocean Circulation: Density-Driven

Thermohaline Circulation

Two Regions of Deep Water Formation

Ocean Water Mass
Surface Water
      to a depth of about 200 meters
Central Water
      to the bottom of the main thermocline
Intermediate Water
      to about 1500 meters
Deep Water
      below intermediate water but not in
      contact with the bottom
Bottom Water
      in contact with sea floor

Thermohaline Conveyor Belt

Thermohaline Conveyor Belt