Climate Archives


Dating Sediment Records

Resolution of Sediment Records

Glacial Ice

Dating Ice Records

Resolution of Ice Records


Dating Tree Records


Dating Coral Records

Resolution of Climate Records

Climate System Change - Review

Slide 14

Three Major Factors

The Last Glacial Maximum (21,000 Years Ago)

Cold and Dry Glacial Climate

Ocean Temperature Today

Climate Change During the Last Deglaciation
(between 17,000 and 6,000 years ago)

Retreat of the North American Ice Sheets

Deglacial Rise in Sea Level

Mid-Deglacial Cooling: The Younger Dryas

Climate Changes Since Deglaciation
(the last 6,000 years)

Millennial-Scale Climate Oscillations

Millennial Changes in North Atlantic Ocean

Other Millennial-Scale Oscillations

What Causes Millennial Changes?

Processes Within Ice Sheets

Interactions Within Climate System

External Solar Variability