Lecture 12: Global Warming
 Points Of Agreement
 Main Point of Contention
 Prediction Of the Future Warming

Points of Agreement
Global climate change, including global warming, are inevitable should the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases rise continually. (They disagree about the timing and magnitude of the warming).
The atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases is rising.

Human Injection of Carbon

Global Carbon Cycle

The Missing Carbon Sink

Main Point of Contention
The debate about global warming is primarily about the degree to which different feedbacks will influence the Earth’s climate in the future.
Many of those feedbacks involve water in one form or another.

Major Climate Feedback Processes
Water Vapor Feedback - Positive
Snow/Ice Albedo Feedback - Positive
Longwave Radiation Feedback - Negative
Vegetation-Climate Feedback - Positive
Cloud Feedback - Uncertain

Water Vapor Feedback

Snow/Ice Albedo Feedback

Vegetation-Climate Feedbacks

Is Global Warming Evident Yet?
The global warming observed in the past 100 years can be a result of natural variability and anthropogenically induced.
Since our understanding of the natural variability is limited, it is difficult for us to decide whether or not the human-induced global warming already shows up.
The detection of the current anthropogenically induced signal will be difficult until it is very large.

Prediction of Future Warming
If the atmospheric level of greenhouse gases continue to rise at the present rate, climate models predicts:
Very Probable
Global surface temperature will warm up 0.5-2°C over the period 1990 to 2050.
Global sea level will rise by 5 to 40 cm by 2050.
Global precipitation will increase
Arctic land areas will experience wintertime warming

Prediction of Future Warming
Rainfall will increase over the high latitude of the northern hemisphere, but will decrease in the midlatitude of northern hemisphere continents.
We are not sure how climate will change in small regions
We are not sure how the frequency of El Nino will change
We are not sure how hurricane, flood, and drought will respond to global warming