ESS 210B Geoscience Data Analysis (Fall 2003)

Instructor: Prof. Jin-Yi Yu
Office: 3315 Croul Hall
Phone: (949) 824-3878

Course schedule: Tu, Th 08:00-09:20
Wed (discussion)

Office hours: By appointment.

Description: An introduction to the application of objective analysis methods to atmospheric, oceanic, and biogeochemical data.

Text book:
Hans A. Panofsky and Glenn W. Brier (1968)
"Some Applications of Statistics to Meteorology"
Pennsylvania State University, 224 pp.

Daniel S. Wilks (1995)
"Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences"
Academic Press, 465pp.

Week 1 - Probability Distribution and Sampling Theory
. review of basic statistics
. theoretical probability distributions
. small sampling theory
. degree of freedom
. confidence interval
. hypothesis testing
[Click here for the CLASS NOTE #1: Overview (October 07, 2003)]
[Click here for the CLASS NOTE #2: Probability Distribution (November 06, 2003)]
[Click here for the NINO3 Index File for Homework #1

Week 2 - Regression and Objective Analysis
. linear regression
. scattering
. theory of correlation
. multiple regression

Week 3 - Time Series Analysis I
. autocorrelation functions
. harmonic analysis
. power spectrum analysis
. data window

Week 4 - Time Series Analysis II
. correlation of time series
. filtering of time series
. composition analysis

Week 5 - Principal Component Analysis
. empirical orthogonal function (EOF)
. rotated EOF
. complex EOF

*** final ***