An Example on Test of Variance
q There are two samples, each has six measurements of wind speed. The
first sample measures a wind speed variance of 10 (m/sec)2. The second
sample measures a 6 (m/sec)2 variance. Are these two variance
significantly different?
Answer: (1) Selected a 95% significance level (a = 0.05)
               (2) H0: s1 = s2
                     H1: s1 ¹ s2
               (3) Use F-test
                     F = 10/6 = 1.67
               (4) This is a two-tailed test. So choose the 0.025 significance areas.
                     For n1 = n1 = 6-1=5, F0.975=7.15.
               (5) Since F< F0.975, the null hypothesis can not be rejected.
               (6) Variance from these two samples are not significantly different.