Part 6: Objective Analysis
 Optimum Interpretation
 Composite Analysis

Purpose of Objective Analysis
Observations are often available only at a few stations that are unevenly spaced in the domain of interests.
In order to compute derivatives of the field variables, as would be required in diagnostic studies or in the initialization of a numerical model, or simply to perform a sensible averaging process, one often requires values of the variables at points on a regular grid.
Assigning the best values at the grid points, given data at arbitrarily located stations and perhaps a first guess at regular grid points, is what has traditionally been called objective analysis.

When to Do the Gridding?
The methods described are applicable to any problem where the data you are given do not fill the domain of interest fully, and/or where the data must be interpolated to a regular grid.
The regridding can be in space, in time, or both.

Polynomial Fitting Method
We can use a polynomial function to fit the observational data and then use this function to generate data on regular grids.
In meteorological applications, up to thrid order polynomial have been used. But usually, quadratic equation is sufficient for most purpose:
The problem now it to determine the values of the coefficients: a1, a2, …., and a6.
If we have 6 observations of h, then we can determine the 6 coefficients in the quadratic polynomial function.
We can then use the polynomial function for gridding purpose.

Problems With the Polynomial Method
The instability of the polynomial fit is such that when one key data point is removed, the polynomial fit in that region may change radically.

Problems With the Polynomial Method
Polynomial fits are unstable in the sense that the values the polynomials give at points between the stations vary greatly for small changes in the data at the station points, and especially so when data are missing.
The problem gets worse as the order of the polynomial is increased. The method is nearly useless where the data are sparse.

Optimum Interpretation
The optimum interpretation (OI) is a linear interpretation which requires its root-mean square error to be minimum.
The discussion of this method focuses on the “deviations from a normal state”:
Let’s say we have a variable f and its normal state f norm. This normal state can be the climatological value of f or a first guess of f.
Then we can define the deviation of f from its normal state as f’:

Now, we want to approximate the value of f at a grid point (fg), in terms of a linear combination of the values of f at neighboring station points (fi):
We want to determine the coefficients pi by minimizing the mean squared error:

Determine the Weightings
We can normalized the error E:
Now we can determine the weightings  (pi) by asking:
We then solve the N linear equations for the N  p’s.
It can be shown that the error obtained after fitting the coefficients is:

What Do We Need to Get Pi?
We need to know rij and rgi in order to solve the N linear equation for the N Ps.
     č But we don’t data at grid points (can not calculated rgi !).
It is typical to assume that correlations between points depend only on the distance between them and not on location or direction.
So we calculate the rij from station data and obtain rgi from rij based on the distance between the grid points and the stations.

Composite Analysis
Compositing analysis (also called superposed epoch analysis) is to sort time series into different categories (or phases) and to compare means in these categories.
For example, how do Pacific SST evolve before, during, and after an El Nino event? In this case, there are three categories (before, during, and after) in the composite analysis.
Compositing is useful when you have many observations of some event and you are looking for responses to that event that are combined with noise from a lot of other influences.
The basic idea of the compositing analysis is that the averaging process will remove noise and keep the signals of interest.
Often compositing will reveal periodic phenomena with fixed phase that cannot be extracted from spectral analysis if the signal is small compared to the noise.

Steps in Compositing Analysis
Select the basis for compositing and define the categories
     The categories might be related to the phase of some cyclic phenomenon or forcing, or to time or distance from some event. For example, we can use NINO3 index as the basis for compositing the ENSO cycle.
Compute the means and statistics for each category
      We calculate the mean SST, wind stress, or heat flux for the onset, growing, and mature phases of the ENSO cycle.
Organize and display the results
Validate the results
      Validation of the results can be achieved in many ways. Statistical significance tests are only one of these.

An Example -the MJO Cycle

Step 1: Define Index

Time Series of the Indices

Step 2: Compute the Means

Step 3: Display the MJO Life Cycle