Chapter 3: Energy Balance and Temperature

Planetary Energy Balance

Solar Flux Density Reaching Earth

Solar Energy Incident On the Earth

Solar Energy Absorbed by Earth

Albedo = [Reflected] / [Incoming] Sunlight

Albedo and Surface Type

What Happens After the Earth Absorbs Solar Energy?

Energy Emitted from Earth

Planetary Energy Balance

Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse Gases

Factors Determine Planet Temperature

Mars, Earth, and Venus

Global Temperature

Greenhouse Effects

Why Large Greenhouse Effect On Venus?

Why Small Greenhouse Effect on Mars?

Selective Absorption and Emission

"A portion of the longwave..."

Why Selective Absorption/Emission?

Different Forms of Energy Levels

Energy Required to Change the Levels

Atmospheric Influences on Insolation

Reflection and Scattering


Rayleigh Scattering (Gas Molecules)

Scattering and Colors

Slide 29

Spectrum of Radiation

Mie Scattering (Aerosols)

Nonselective Scattering (Clouds)

Fate of Solar Radiation

Slide 34

Slide 35

Slide 36

Latitudinal Variations of Net Energy

How Do Atmosphere and Ocean Transport Heat?

Slide 39