Chapter 4: Pressure and Wind

Slide 2

Units of Atmospheric Pressure

Measurement of Atmos. Pressure

Pressure Correction for Elevation

Slide 6


Slide 8

Slide 9

Pressure Gradients

Hydrostatic Balance in the Vertical

What Does Hydrostatic Balance Tell Us?

The Ideal Gas Law

Hydrostatic Balance and Atmospheric Vertical Structure

Temperature and Pressure

Wind Changes with Height

Pressure Gradient Force

Balance of Force in the Horizontal

Force that Determines Wind

Coriolis Force

Coriolis Force

Coriolis Force Change with latitudes

Upper Atmospheric Winds

Geostrophic Balance

Upper Atmosphere Geostrophic Flow

Slide 26

Frictional Force

Surface Winds

Surface Geostrophic Flow

Slide 30

Slide 31

Centrifugal Force

Gradient Wind Balance

Super- and Sub-Geostrophic Wind

Slide 35

Measuring Winds