Chapter 8: Atmospheric Circulation and Pressure Distributions

Single-Cell Model:
Explains Why There are Tropical Easterlies

Breakdown of the Single Cell è Three-Cell Model

Atmospheric Circulation: Zonal-mean Views

Properties of the Three Cells

The Three Cells

Precipitation Climatology

Thermally Direct/Indirect Cells

Is the Three-Cell Model Realistic?

Upper Tropospheric Circulation

Bottom Line

Semi-Permanent Pressure Cells

Slide 13

Slide 14

Global Distribution of Deserts

Sinking Branches and Deserts

Thermal Wind Relation

Thermal Wind Equation

Subtropical and Polar Jet Streams

Jet Streams Near the Western US

Slide 21

Cold and Warm Fronts

Tropical Hurricane

They Are the Same Things…

Monsoon: Another Sea/Land-Related Circulation of the Atmosphere

How Many Monsoons Worldwide?

Sea/Land Breeze

Slide 28

Slide 29

Slide 30

Slide 31

Slide 32

Basic Ocean Structures

Basic Ocean Current Systems

Six Great Current Circuits in the World Ocean

Characteristics of the Gyres

Major Current Names

Step 1: Surface Winds

Winds and Surface Currents

Step 2: Ekman Layer
(frictional force + Coriolis Force)

Ekman Spiral – A Result of Coriolis Force

Ekman Transport

Step 3: Geostrophic Current
(Pressure Gradient Force + Corioils Foce)

Thermohaline Conveyor Belt

Thermohaline Circulation

Global Warming and Thermohaline Circulation

Mid-Deglacial Cooling: The Younger Dryas

Interactions Within Climate System

East-West Circulation

Precipitation Climatology

Walker Circulation and Ocean Temperature

Walker Circulation and Ocean

Slide 53

Slide 54

Slide 55

El Nino and Southern Oscillation

Polar Front Theory

Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean System

Slide 59

Slide 60

Delayed Oscillator: Wind Forcing

Wave Propagation and Reflection

Why Only Pacific Has ENSO?

North Atlantic Oscillation

Positive and Negative Phases of NAO

Slide 66

North Atlantic Oscillation
= Arctic Oscillation
= Annular Mode