Professor Jin-Yi Yu Office: 3315 Croul Hall Phone: (949) 824-3878 Email: TA: Mr. Shih-Wei Fang Email: Office Hour: 1:00-2:00pm Thursday TA: Ms. Qian Huang Email: Office Hour: 12:00-1:00pm Wednesday TA: Mr. Sanjeevi Nagalingam Email: Office Hour: 11:00am-12:00pm Tuesday |
This course (1) develops an understanding of the physical basis behind global climate change, (2) examines how human activities cause it, (3) looks to future rates and impacts of global warming, and (4) reviews the international conventions, protocols and scientific assessments of climate change. |
Homework (25%), midterm (30%), Final Exam (30%), quizzes and in-class participation (15%: 10% for the lectures and 5% for the discussion section). |
iClickers: You can use an iClicker, OR an iClicker2, OR the REEF app to earn participation points in this class. Please bring your iClicker to all lectures, including the first. More info about iClickers is below: 1. New iClickers can be purchased at the campus bookstore. Used iClickers can be found online and the REEF app can be obtained from 2. If you are using an iClicker or iClicker2 for the first time you will need to register it online. To register your iClicker you should visit and enter your information including your student ID (your 8-digit student number). You will be asked two questions: - Which software will your instructor use? Answer = iClicker Classic - Which Learning Management System does your institution use? Answer = My institution does not use an LMS 3. The base frequency for PSLH 100 is "AA". This is the default frequency for a new iClicker but be sure yours is set to this frequency. |
(Lecture 0) Course Introduction (PDF) (Handout) (Lecture 1) The issue of climate change [DA's Ch.1 & SGP's Ch.1 and Ch.2] (PDF) (Handout) Updated on 4/4/2018
Final (Thu, June 14, 1:30-3:30pm) |