ESS 200: Global Physical Climatology (Fall 2022) [syllabus]
Lecture: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-10:50, RH190


Professor Jin-Yi Yu
Office: 3315 Croul Hall
Phone: (949) 824-3878
Office Hour: 11:00am-12:00pm Tuesday


This course builds a physical understanding of Earth's climate system. An overview of Earth's climate system and energy budget. Large-scale circulations, key physical processes, and climate sensitivity of the atmosphere, ocean, land surface, and cryosphere.


  • Dennis L. Hartmann, "Global Physical Climatology" (2nd edition), published by Elsevier Inc., ISBN 978-0123285317 (required)
  • Kump, Kasting, and Crane, "The Earth System" (3rd edition), published by Prentice Hall, ISBN 978-0321597793 (optional)
  • Donald Ahrens, "Meteorology Today", 11th Edition, Brooks/Cole, ISBN 9780840054999 (optional)


    Week 1: Introduction to the Climate System
  • Atmospheric properties and structures
  • World Ocean, land surface, and cryosphere
  • Classnote #1: Introduction & atmosphere (PDF) (Handout)
  • Suggested Reading: GPC (Ch1); MT (Ch1, 4, 6)

    Week 2: The Global Energy Balance
  • Planetary balance, greenhouse effect
  • Global radiative energy balance, poleward energy flux
  • Classnote #2: Global energy balance (PDF) (Handout)
  • Suggested Reading: GPC (Ch2)

    Week 3: Atmospheric Radiative Transfer and Climate
  • Solar and infrared radiation, selective absorption and emission
  • Cloud and radiation, radiative-convective equilibrium
  • Classnote #3: Radiation transfer (PDF) (Handout)
  • Suggested Reading: GPC (Ch3); TES (Ch3); MT (Ch2)

    Week 4: The Energy Balance of the Surface
  • Surface Properties, Storage, Heating, Albedo, Emission
  • Planetary boundary layer, drag, mixing, fluxes
  • Classnote #4: Surface Energy Balance (PDF) (Handout)
  • Suggested Reading: GPC (Ch4)

    Week 5: Atmospheric General Circulation and Climate
  • Zonal-mean circulation, eddies
  • Angular momentum, moist static energy
  • Classnote #5: Atmospheric Circulation (PDF) (Handout)
  • Suggested Reading: GPC (Ch6); TES (Ch4); MT (Ch8 & Ch9)

    Week 6: The Ocean General Circulation and Climate
  • Ocean properties and structures
  • Water mass
  • Wind-driven circulation, thermohaline circulation, and transports
  • Classnote #6: Ocean General Circulation (PDF) (Handout)
  • Suggested Reading: GPC (Ch7); TES (Ch5)

    Week 7: The Cryosphere
  • Glaciers, ice sheets, mass balance, sea-Level
  • Classnote #7: The Cryosphere (PDF) (Handout)
  • Suggested Reading: TES (Ch6)

    Week 8: Natural Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability
  • Internal atmospheric variability, El Nino and the southern oscillation
  • Decadal variations of weather and climate
  • Classnote #8: Natural Climate Variability (PDF) (Handout)
  • Suggested Reading: GPC (Ch8)
  • recorded Lecture 8a from 2020
  • recorded Lectures 8b & 9 from 2020

    Week 9: Climate Sensitivity and Feedback Mechanisms
  • Sensitivity and feedback
  • Plank, Lapse-rate, Water vapor, ice-albedo, cloud, dynamical feedbacks
  • Classnote #9: Sensitivity and Feedback (PDF) (Handout)
  • Suggested Reading: GPC (Ch10)
  • recorded Lectures 9b & 10 from 2020

    Week 10: Natural Climate Change
  • Natural solar, aerosol, volcanic forcing
  • Past climate changes
  • Classnote #10: Natural Climate Change (PDF) (Handout)
  • Suggested Reading: GPC (Ch12)

    Final Exam (80 minutues on Canvas) - taken anytime between Dec 2 (12:00 pm) and Dec 6 (11:59pm); covering chapters 7, 8, 10, 12 of the GPC textbook and Classnotes #6-#10