Other Publications
Other Publications
Congressional Reports, Conference Proceedings, International Assessments, etc.
Watson, R.T., M.J. Prather and M.J. Kurylo. Present state of knowledge of the upper atmosphere 1988: an assessment report (to Congress), NASA Reference Publication 1208, 208 pp, 1988.
Theory and observations: model simulations of the period 1955-1985, Chapter 7, International Ozone Trends Panel Report, World Meteorological Organization, Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 18, 1988.
Jackman, C.H., R.K. Seals Jr. and M.J. Prather, eds. 2-D Intercomparison of stratospheric models,NASA Conference Publication, CP-3042, 608 pp, 1989.
Prather, M.J., (ed.), D. Albritton, R. Dickinson, I. Fung, R. Gammon, J. Holton, I. Isaksen, M. Ko, A. Lacis, D. Lashof, S. Liu, J. Logan, J. Mahlman, P. Midgley, R. Prinn, N.D. Sze, A. Thompson, D. Tirpak, D. Wuebbles, An Assessment Model for Atmospheric Composition, NASA Conference Publication, CP-3203, 64 pp, 1989.
Prather, M.J. and R.T. Watson. Annex II, Appendix B, Transient scenarios, Integrating Report to the U.N. Environment Program on the revisions to the 1987 Montreal Protocol, UNEP/OzL.pro.WG.I(2)/4, 28 August - 5 September 1989, 1989.
Watson, R., M. Prather and D. Albritton. Reporting and observational needs regarding atmospheric chlorine, UNEP/OzL.pro.WG.II(1)/CRP.1&2, Open-ended working group of the parties to the Montreal Protocol, Geneva, 13-17 November 1989, 1989.
Watson, R.T., M.J. Kurylo, M.J. Prather & F.M. Ormond. Present state of knowledge of the upper atmo-sphere 1990: an assessment report (to Congress), NASA Reference Publication 1242, 208 pp, 1990.
Model Predictions, Chapter 3, Scientific Assessment of Stratospheric Ozone: 1989, World Meteorological Organization, Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 20, 1990.
Seinfeld, J.H. et al., Rethinking the Ozone Problem in Urban and Regional Air Pollution, National Academy Press, 1991.
Johnston, H.S., M.J. Prather, R.T. Watson, The Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft: A Topical Review, NASA Reference Publication 1250, 36 pp., 1991.
Prather, M.J. and H.L. Wesoky, The High-Speed Research Program / Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft, A First Program Report, NASA Reference Publication 1272, 244 pp., 1992.
Prather, M.J., A.M. Ibrahim, T. Sasaki, F. Stordal, and G. Visconti, Future Chlorine - Bromine Loading and Ozone Depletion, Chapter 8, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1991, World Meteorological Organization, Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 25, 1992.
Prather, M.J. and E.E. Remsberg, eds., Report of the 1992 Stratospheric Models and Measurements Workshop, Satellite Beach, FL, February 1992, NASA Ref. Publ. 1292, 144+268+352 pp., 1993.
Prather, M.J., Chapter 6 in, The High-Speed Research Program / Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft, A Second Program Report, NASA Reference Publication 1293, 226 pp., 1993.
Prather, Michael and Richard Rood, Chapter 8, Credibility of Assessment Models, in Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft, Interim Assessment Report of the NASA HSRP, NASA Reference Publication 1333, 150 pp., 1993.
Prather, M.J., "1.1 Atmospheric lifetimes of HCFCs and HFCs: current estimates and uncertainties", pp. 1-5/1-19 in Alternative Fluorocarbons Environmental Acceptability Study (AFEAS), Proceedings of the Workshop on the Atmospheric Degradation of HCFCs and HFCs, 17-19 November 1993, Boulder CO.
Stordal, F., R. Derwent, I. Isaksen, D. Jacob, M. Kanakidou, J. Logan, and M. Prather, Chapter 7, Model Simulations of Global Tropospheric Ozone, in World Meteorological Organization, Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 37, 1995.
Ko, M.K.W., A. Ibrahim, I. Isaksen, C. Jackman, F. Lefevre, M. Prather, P. Rasch, R. Toumi, and G. Visconti, Chapter 6, Model Simulations of Stratospheric Ozone, in Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1994, World Meteorological Organization, Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 37, 1995.
Penner, J.E., M.J. Prather, J. Austin, D. Cariolle, H. Kelder, A. Kylling, B. Steil, and J.K. Sundet, "Session IV: Issues relevant to the development of coupled chemistry/climate models" in Atmospheric Ozone as a Climate Gas, W-C. Wang & I.S.A. Isaksen, eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, NATO ASI Vol I 32, pp.47-61, 1995.
Prather, M., S. Doney, E.Holland, J. Penner, R. Jenne, J. Kaye, and P. Handley, Chapter 6. Scientific Environmental Assessment, in EOSDIS Users Workshop Report, on the NASA web at UCSB, 1996.
J. Pyle and M. Prather, Global Tracer Transport Models: Report of a Scientific Symposium, Bermuda, 10-13 Dec 1990, WCRP CAS/JSC Report No. 24 (WMO, TD-No.770), Sept, 1996
D.H. Lister and 34 others (incl. M. Prather), Summary for Policymakers Aviation and the Global Atmosphere, A Special Report of Working Groups I and III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in Aviation and the Global Atmosphere, eds. J.E. Penner et al., Cambridge U. Press, pp.1-12, 1999.
A Climate Services Vision, first steps toward the future, BASC, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2001.
From Research to Operations in Weather Satellites and Numerical Weather Prediction: Crossing the Valley of Death, BASC, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2001.
Ensuring the Climate Record from the NPP and NPOESS Meteorological Satellites, CES, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2001.
From Research to Operations in Weather Satellites and Numerical Weather Prediction: Crossing the Valley of Death, BASC, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2000.
Issues in the Integration of Research and Operational Satellite Systems for Climate Research—II. Implementation, CES, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2001
The Role of Small Satellites in NASA and NOAA Earth Observation Programs, CES NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2000.
Weather Forecasting for FAA Traffic Flow Management, BASC, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2003.
Estimating Climate Sensitivity: Report of a Workshop (Steering Committee), BASC, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2003.
Direct and Indirect Human Contributions to Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes, A Workshop Summary (Chair), BANR/DELS, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2004.
Implementing Climate and Global Change Research: A Review of the Final U.S. Climate Change Science Program Strategic Plan, BASC, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2004.
Earth Science and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for the Next Decade and Beyond, BASC, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2007.
Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution 2007, Chapter 5, Global and Regional Modeling, Air Pollution Studies No. 16, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 2007.
Satellite Observations to Benefit Science and Society, BASC, NAS Press, Washington DC, 2008.
Global Sources of Local Pollution, BASC, NAS Press, Washington DC, 2009.
Verifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Methods to Support International Climate Agreements, BASC, NAS Press, Washington DC, 2010.
Earth Science and Applications from Space: A Midterm Assessment of NASA's Implementation of the Decadal Survey, BASC, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2012.
Continuity of NASA-sustained Remote Sensing Observations of Earth from Space, BASC, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2015.
The Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research, BASC, NAS Press, Washington, DC, 2016.
Opportunities to Improve the Representation of Clouds and Aerosols in Climate Models with National Collection Systems, NAS Press, Washington DC, 2016.
Fausto Artico, Michael J. Prather, Alexander V. Veidenbaum, Alexandru Nicolau (2015), Fast Fast-J GPU Codes, Center for Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, UC Irvine, CECS Technical Report 15-03, November 13, 2015
other Prather-research-group authored/supported papers (M.J. Prather not an author):
R.M. Law, Y.H. Chen, Gurney, K.R. and TransCom 3 Modellers, 2003. TransCom 3 CO2 inversion intercomparison: 2. Sensitivity of annual mean results to data choices. Tellus, 55B, 2, 580-595.
P.K. Patra, S. Maksyutov and TransCom 3 Modellers, 2003. Sensitivity of optimal extension of CO2 observation networks to model transport. Tellus, 55B, 2, 498-511.
S. Maksyutov, T. Machida, H. Mukai, P.K. Patra, T. Nakazawa, G. Inoue and TransCom 3 Modellers, 2003. Effect of recent observations on Asian CO2 flux estimates by transport model inversions. Tellus, 55B, 2, 522-529.
Yuen, C.W., K. Higuchi and TransCom-3 Modellers, Impact of Fraserdale CO2 observations on annual flux inversion of the North American boreal region, Tellus B 57 (3): 203-209, JUL 2005
Pak, B. C., R. L. Langenfelds, S. A. Young, R. J. Francey, C. P. Meyer, L. M. Kivlighon, L. N. Cooper, B. L. Dunse, C. E. Allison, L. P. Steele, I. E. Galbally, and I. A. Weeks, Measurements of biomass burning influences in the troposphere over southeast Australia during the SAFARI 2000 dry season campaign, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D13), 8480, doi:10.1029/2002JD002343, 2003.
Langenfelds, R.L., R.J. Francey, B.C. Pak, L.P. Steele, J. Lloyd, C.M. Trudinger and C.E. Allison. Interannual growth rate variations of atmospheric CO2 and its isotope d13C, H2, CH4 and CO between 1992 and 1999 linked to biomass burning. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16 (3), 1048, 2002.
Swap, R.J., H.J. Annegarn, J.T. Suttles, J. Haywood, M.C. Helmlinger, C. Hely, P.V. Hobbs, B.N. Holben, J. Ji, M.D. King, T. Landmann, W. Maenhaut, L. Otter, B. Pak, S.J. Piketh, S. Platnick, J. Privette, D. Roy, A.M. Thompson, D. Ward and R. Yokelson, 2002. The Southern African Regional Science Initiative (SAFARI 2000): overview of the dry-season field campaign, South African J. Science, 98(3-4), 125-130, 2002.
Rind, D., J. Lerner, C. McLinden, Changes of tracer distributions in the doubled CO2 climate, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 28061-28079, 2001.
Kiley CM, Fuelberg HE, Palmer PI, Allen DJ, Carmichael GR, Jacob DJ, Mari C, Pierce RB, Pickering KE, Tang YH, Wild O, Fairlie TD, Logan JA, Sachse GW, Shaack TK, Streets DG, An intercomparison and evaluation of aircraft-derived and simulated CO from seven chemical transport models during the TRACE-P experiment, J. Geophys. Res. 108 (D21): Art. No. 8819 NOV 15 2003
Holmes, C.D. (2014) Air pollution and forest water use, Nature, 507, E1-E2, doi:10.1038/nature13113.
Heald, C. L., D. A. Ridley, J. H. Kroll, S. R. H. Barrett, K. E. Cady-Pereira, M. J. Alvarado, C. D. Holmes (2013) Beyond direct radiative forcing: The case for characterizing the direct radiative effect of aerosols, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 32925-32961, doi:10.5194/acpd-13-32925-2013.
Ellis, R. A., D. J. Jacob, M. Payer, L. Zhang, C. D. Holmes, B. A. Schichtel, T. Blett, E. Porter, L. H. Pardo, and J. A. Lynch (2013) Present and future nitrogen deposition to national parks in the United States: critical load exceedances, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13, 9083-9095, doi:10.5194/acp-13-9083-2013.
Nair, U. S., Y. Wu, C. D. Holmes, A. Ter Schure, G. Kallos, and J. T. Walters (2013) Cloud-resolving simulations of mercury scavenging and deposition in thunderstorms, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13, 10143-10157, doi:10.5194/acp-13-10143-2013.