The Tropospheric Oxidation Capacity Research Group

Biosphere-Atmosphere-Human Interactions

3216 Croul Hall Irvine CA 92627 (email)


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Kim, S, Wolfe GM, Mauldin L, Cantrell C, Guenther A, Karl T, Turnipseed A, Greenberg J, Hall SR, Ullmann K et al..  2013.  Evaluation of HOx sources and cycling using measurement-constrained model calculations in a 2-methyl-3-butene-2-ol (MBO) and monoterpene (MT) dominated ecosystem. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 13(4):2031-2044.
Mauldin, RL, Berndt T, Sipila M, Paasonen P, Petaja T, Kim S, Kurten T, Stratmann F, Kerminen VM, Kulmala M.  2012.  A new atmospherically relevant oxidant of sulphur dioxide. Nature. 488(7410):193-+. AbstractWebsite
Atmospheric oxidation is a key phenomenon that connects atmospheric chemistry with globally challenging environmental issues, such as climate change(1), stratospheric ozone loss(2), acidification of soils and water(3), and health effects of air quality(4). Ozone, the hydroxyl radical and the nitrate radical are generally considered to be the dominant oxidants that initiate the removal of trace gases, including pollutants, from the atmosphere. Here we present atmospheric observations from a boreal forest region in Finland, supported by laboratory experiments and theoretical considerations, that allow us to identify another compound, probably a stabilized Criegee intermediate (a carbonyl oxide with two free-radical sites) or its derivative, which has a significant capacity to oxidize sulphur dioxide and potentially other trace gases. This compound probably enhances the reactivity of the atmosphere, particularly with regard to the production of sulphuric acid, and consequently atmospheric aerosol formation. Our findings suggest that this new atmospherically relevant oxidation route is important relative to oxidation by the hydroxyl radical, at least at moderate concentrations of that radical. We also find that the oxidation chemistry of this compound seems to be tightly linked to the presence of alkenes of biogenic origin.
DiGangi, JP, Henry SB, Kammrath A, Boyle ES, Kaser L, Schnitzhofer R, Graus M, Turnipseed A, Park JH, Weber RJ et al..  2012.  Observations of glyoxal and formaldehyde as metrics for the anthropogenic impact on rural photochemistry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 12(20):9529-9543. Abstract
We present simultaneous fast, in-situ measurements of formaldehyde and glyoxal from two rural campaigns, BEARPEX 2009 and BEACHON-ROCS, both located in Pinus Ponderosa forests with emissions dominated by biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Despite considerable variability in the formaldehyde and glyoxal concentrations, the ratio of glyoxal to formaldehyde, R-GF, displayed a very regular diurnal cycle over nearly 2 weeks of measurements. The only deviations in R-GF were toward higher values and were the result of a biomass burning event during BEARPEX 2009 and very fresh anthropogenic influence during BEACHON-ROCS. Other rapid changes in glyoxal and formaldehyde concentrations have hardly any affect on R-GF and could reflect transitions between low and high NO regimes. The trend of increased R-GF from both anthropogenic reactive VOC mixtures and biomass burning compared to biogenic reactive VOC mixtures is robust due to the short timescales over which the observed changes in R-GF occurred. Satellite retrievals, which suggest higher R-GF for biogenic areas, are in contrast to our observed trends. It remains important to address this discrepancy, especially in view of the importance of satellite retrievals and in situ measurements for model comparison. In addition, we propose that R-GF represents a useful metric for biogenic or anthropogenic reactive VOC mixtures and, in combination with absolute concentrations of glyoxal and formaldehyde, furthermore represents a useful metric for the extent of anthropogenic influence on overall reactive VOC processing via NOx. In particular, R-GF yields information about not simply the VOCs dominating reactivity in an airmass, but the VOC processing itself that is directly coupled to ozone and secondary organic aerosol production.
Kim, S, Guenther A, Karl T, Greenberg J.  2011.  Contributions of primary and secondary biogenic VOC tototal OH reactivity during the CABINEX (Community Atmosphere-Biosphere INteractions Experiments)-09 field campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 11(16):8613-8623. AbstractWebsite
We present OH reactivity measurements using the comparative reactivity method with a branch enclosure technique for four different tree species (red oak, white pine, beech and red maple) in the UMBS PROPHET tower footprint during the Community Atmosphere Biosphere INteraction EXperiment (CABINEX) field campaign in July of 2009. Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) was sequentially used as a detector for OH reactivity and BVOC concentrations including isoprene and monoterpenes (MT) for enclosure air. Therefore, the measurement dataset contains both measured and calculated OH reactivity from well-known BVOC. The results indicate that isoprene and MT, and in one case a sesquiterpene, can account for the measured OH reactivity. Significant discrepancy between measured OH reactivity and calculated OH reactivity from isoprene and MT is found for the red maple enclosure dataset but it can be reconciled by adding reactivity from emission of a sesquiterpene, alpha-farnesene, detected by GC-MS. This leads us to conclude that no significant unknown BVOC emission contributed to ambient OH reactivity from these trees at least during the study period. However, this conclusion should be followed up by more comprehensive side-by-side inter-comparison between measured and calculated OH reactivity and laboratory experiments with controlled temperature and light environments to verify effects of those essential parameters towards unknown/unmeasured reactive BVOC emissions. This conclusion leads us to explore the contribution towards ambient OH reactivity (the dominant OH sink in this ecosystem) oxidation products such as hydroxyacetone, glyoxal, methylglyoxal and C4 and C5-hydroxycarbonyl using recently published isoprene oxidation mechanisms (Mainz Isoprene Mechanism II and Leuven Isoprene Mechanism). Evaluation of conventionally unmeasured first generation oxidation products of isoprene and their possible contribution to ambient missing OH reactivity indicates that the ratio of OH reactivity from unmeasured products over OH reactivity from MVK+MACR is strongly dependent on NO concentrations. The unmeasured oxidation products can contribute similar to 7.2% (8.8% from LIM and 5.6% by MIM 2 when NO = 100 pptv) of the isoprene contribution towards total ambient OH reactivity. This amount can explain similar to 8.0% (9.7% from LIM and 6.2% from MIM 2) of missing OH reactivity, reported by Di Carlo et al. (2004) at the same site. Further study on the contribution from further generation of unmeasured oxidation products is needed to constrain tropospheric photochemical reactivity of BVOC that have important implications for both photochemical ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation.
DiGangi, JP, Boyle ES, Karl T, Harley P, Turnipseed A, Kim S, Cantrell C, Maudlin, R. L. III, Zheng W, Flocke F et al..  2011.  First direct measurements of formaldehyde flux via eddy covariance: implications for missing in-canopy formaldehyde sources. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 11(20):10565-10578. AbstractWebsite
We report the first observations of formaldehyde (HCHO) flux measured via eddy covariance, as well as HCHO concentrations and gradients, as observed by the Madison Fiber Laser-Induced Fluorescence Instrument during the BEACHON-ROCS 2010 campaign in a rural, Ponderosa Pine forest northwest of Colorado Springs, CO. A median noon upward flux of similar to 80 mu g m(-2) h(-1) (similar to 24 ppt(v) m s(-1)) was observed with a noon range of 37 to 131 mu g m(-2) h(-1). Enclosure experiments were performed to determine the HCHO branch (3.5 mu g m(-2) h(-1)) and soil (7.3 mu g m(-2) h(-1)) direct emission rates in the canopy. A zero-dimensional canopy box model, used to determine the apportionment of HCHO source and sink contributions to the flux, underpredicted the observed HCHO flux by a factor of 6. Simulated increases in concentrations of species similar to monoterpenes resulted in poor agreement with measurements, while simulated increases in direct HCHO emissions and/or concentrations of species similar to 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol best improved model/measurement agreement. Given the typical diurnal variability of these BVOC emissions and direct HCHO emissions, this suggests that the source of the missing flux is a process with both a strong temperature and radiation dependence.
Oppenheimer, C, Kyle P, Eisele F, Crawford J, Huey G, Tanner D, Kim S, Mauldin L, Blake D, Beyersdorf A et al..  2010.  Atmospheric chemistry of an Antarctic volcanic plume. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 115 AbstractWebsite
We report measurements of the atmospheric plume emitted by Erebus volcano, Antarctica, renowned for its persistent lava lake. The observations were made in December 2005 both at source, with an infrared spectrometer sited on the crater rim, and up to 56 km downwind, using a Twin Otter aircraft; with the two different measurement platforms, plume ages were sampled ranging from <1 min to as long as 9 h. Three species (CO, carbonyl sulfide (OCS), and SO(2)) were measured from both air and ground. While CO and OCS were conserved in the plume, consistent with their long atmospheric lifetimes, the downwind measurements indicate a SO(2)/CO ratio about 20% of that observed at the crater rim, suggesting rapid chemical conversion of SO(2). The aircraft measurements also identify volcanogenic H(2)SO(4), HNO(3) and, recognized for the first time in a volcanic plume, HO(2)NO(2). We did not find NO(x) in the downwind plume despite previous detection of NO(2) above the crater. This suggests that near-source NO(x) was quickly oxidized to HNO(3) and HO(2)NO(2), and probably NO(3(aq))(2-), possibly in tandem with the conversion of SO(2) to sulfate. These fast processes may have been facilitated by "cloud processing" in the dense plume immediately downwind from the crater. A further striking observation was O(3) depletion of up to similar to 35% in parts of the downwind plume. This is likely to be due to the presence of reactive halogens (BrO and ClO) formed through heterogeneous processes in the young plume. Our analysis adds to the growing evidence for the tropospheric reactivity of volcanic plumes and shows that Erebus volcano has a significant impact on Antarctic atmospheric chemistry, at least locally in the Southern Ross Sea area.
Slusher, DL, Neff WD, Kim S, Huey LG, Wang Y, Zeng T, Tanner DJ, Blake DR, Beyersdorf A, Lefer BL et al..  2010.  Atmospheric chemistry results from the ANTCI 2005 Antarctic plateau airborne study. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 115 AbstractWebsite
One of the major goals of the 2005 Antarctic Tropospheric Chemistry Investigation (ANTCI) was to bridge the information gap between current knowledge of South Pole (SP) chemistry and that of the plateau. The former has been extensively studied, but its geographical position on the edge of the plateau makes extrapolating these findings across the plateau problematic. The airborne observations reported here demonstrate that, as at SP, elevated levels of nitric oxide (NO) are a common summertime feature of the plateau. As in earlier studies, planetary boundary layer (PBL) variations were a contributing factor leading to NO fluctuations. Thus, extensive use was made of in situ measurements and models to characterize PBL depths along each flight path and over broader areas of the plateau. Consistent with earlier SP studies that revealed photolysis of nitrate in surface snow as the source of NO(x), large vertical gradients in NO were observed over most plateau areas sampled. Similar gradients were also found for the nitrogen species HNO(3) and HO(2)NO(2) and for O(3). Thus, a common meteorological-chemical feature found was shallow PBLs associated with nitrogen species concentrations that exceeded free tropospheric levels. Collectively, these new results greatly extend the geographical sampling footprint defined by earlier SP studies. In particular, they suggest that previous assessments of the plateau as simply a chemical depository need updating. Although the evidence supporting this position comes in many forms, the fact that net photochemical production of ozone occurs during summer months over extensive areas of the plateau is pivotal.
Kim, S, Karl T, Guenther A, Tyndall G, Orlando J, Harley P, Rasmussen R, Apel E.  2010.  Emissions and ambient distributions of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC) in a ponderosa pine ecosystem: interpretation of PTR-MS mass spectra. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 10(4):1759-1771. AbstractWebsite
Two proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry systems were deployed at the Bio-hydro-atmosphere interactions of Energy, Aerosols, Carbon, H(2)O, Organics and Nitrogen-Southern Rocky Mountain 2008 field campaign (BEACHON-SRM08; July to September, 2008) at the Manitou Forest Observatory in a ponderosa pine woodland near Woodland Park, Colorado USA. The two PTR-MS systems simultaneously measured BVOC emissions and ambient distributions of their oxidation products. Here, we present mass spectral analysis in a wide range of masses (m/z 40(+) to 210(+))to assess our understanding of BVOC emissions and their photochemical processing inside of the forest canopy. The biogenic terpenoids, 2-methyl-3-butene-2-ol (MBO, 50.2%) and several monoterpenes (MT, 33.5%) were identified as the dominant BVOC emissions from a transmission corrected mass spectrum (PTR-MS), averaged over the daytime (11 a.m. to 3 p.m., local time) of three days. To assess contributions of oxidation products of local BVOC, we calculate an oxidation product spectrum with the OH- and ozone-initiated oxidation product distribution mass spectra of two major BVOC emissions at the ecosystem (MBO and beta-pinene) that were observed from laboratory oxidation experiments. The majority (similar to 76%) of the total signal in the transmission corrected PTR-MS spectra could be explained by identified compounds. The remainder are attributed to oxidation products of BVOC emitted from nearby ecosystems and transported to the site, and oxidation products of unidentified BVOC emitted from the ponderosa pine ecosystem.
Kim, S, Karl T, Helmig D, Daly R, Rasmussen R, Guenther A.  2009.  Measurement of atmospheric sesquiterpenes by proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (PTR-MS). Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2(1):99-112. AbstractWebsite
The ability to measure sesquiterpenes (SQT; C(15)H(24)) by a Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometer (PTR-MS) was investigated. SQT calibration standards were prepared by a capillary diffusion method and the PTR-MS-estimated mixing ratios were derived from the counts of product ions and proton transfer reaction constants. These values were compared with mixing ratios determined by a calibrated Gas Chromatograph (GC) coupled to a Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID). Product ion distributions from soft-ionization occurring in a selected ion drift tube via proton transfer were measured as a function of collision energies. Results after the consideration of the mass discrimination of the PTR-MS system suggest that quantitative SQT measurements within 20% accuracy can be achieved with PTR-MS if two major product ions (m/z 149(+) and 205(+)), out of seven major product ions (m/z 81(+), 95(+), 109(+), 123(+), 135(+), 149(+) and 205(+)), are accounted for. Considerable fragmentation of bicyclic sesquiterpenes, i.e. beta-caryophyllene and alpha-humulene, cause the accuracy to be reduced to 50% if only the parent ion (m/z 205(+)) is considered. These findings were applied to a field dataset collected above a deciduous forest at the PROPHET (Program for Research on Oxidants: Photochemistry, Emissions, and Transport) research station in 2005. Inferred average daytime ecosystem scale mixing ratios (fluxes) of isoprene, sum of monoterpenes (MT), and sum of SQT exhibited values of 15 mu g m(-3) (4.5 mg m(-2) h(-1)), 1.2 mu g m(-3) (0.21 mg m(-2) h(-1)), and 0.0016 mu g m(-3) (0.10 mg m(-2) h(-1)), respectively. A range of MT and SQT reactivities with respect to the OH radical was calculated and compared to an earlier study inferring significantly underestimated OH reactivities due to unknown terpenes above this deciduous forest. The results indicate that incorporating these MT and SQT results can resolve similar to 30% of missing OH reactivity reported for this site.
McNaughton, CS, Clarke AD, Kapustin V, Shinozuka Y, Howell SG, Anderson BE, Winstead E, Dibb J, Scheuer E, Cohen RC et al..  2009.  Observations of heterogeneous reactions between Asian pollution and mineral dust over the Eastern North Pacific during INTEX-B. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9(21):8283-8308. AbstractWebsite
In-situ airborne measurements of trace gases, aerosol size distributions, chemistry and optical properties were conducted over Mexico and the Eastern North Pacific during MILAGRO and INTEX-B. Heterogeneous reactions between secondary aerosol precursor gases and mineral dust lead to sequestration of sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine in the supermicrometer particulate size range. Simultaneous measurements of aerosol size distributions and weak-acid soluble calcium result in an estimate of 11 wt% of CaCO(3) for Asian dust. During transport across the North Pacific, similar to 5-30% of the CaCO(3) is converted to CaSO(4) or Ca(NO(3))(2) with an additional similar to 4% consumed through reactions with HCl. The 1996 to 2008 record from the Mauna Loa Observatory confirm these findings, indicating that, on average, 19% of the CaCO(3) has reacted to form CaSO(4) and 7% has reacted to form Ca(NO(3))(2) and similar to 2% has reacted with HCl. In the nitrogen-oxide rich boundary layer near Mexico City up to 30% of the CaCO(3) has reacted to form Ca(NO(3))(2) while an additional 8% has reacted with HCl. These heterogeneous reactions can result in a similar to 3% increase in dust solubility which has an insignificant effect on their optical properties compared to their variability in-situ. However, competition between supermicrometer dust and submicrometer primary aerosol for condensing secondary aerosol species led to a 25% smaller number median diameter for the accumulation mode aerosol. A 10-25% reduction of accumulation mode number median diameter results in a 30-70% reduction in submicrometer light scattering at relative humidities in the 80-95% range. At 80% RH submicrometer light scattering is only reduced similar to 3% due to a higher mass fraction of hydrophobic refractory components in the dust-affected accumulation mode aerosol. Thus reducing the geometric mean diameter of the submicrometer aerosol has a much larger effect on aerosol optical properties than changes to the hygroscopic: hydrophobic mass fractions of the accumulation mode aerosol. In the presence of dust, nitric acid concentrations are reduced to <50% of total nitrate (nitric acid plus particulate nitrate). NO(y) as a fraction of total nitrogen (NO(y) plus particulate nitrate), is reduced from >85% to 60-80% in the presence of dust. These observations support previous model studies which predict irreversible sequestration of reactive nitrogen species through heterogeneous reactions with mineral dust during long-range transport.
Fried, A, Olson JR, Walega JG, Crawford JH, Chen G, Weibring P, Richter D, Roller C, Tittel F, Porter M et al..  2008.  Role of convection in redistributing formaldehyde to the upper troposphere over North America and the North Atlantic during the summer 2004 INTEX campaign. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 113(D17) AbstractWebsite
Measurements of formaldehyde (CH(2)O) from a tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer (TDLAS) were acquired onboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft during the summer 2004 INTEX-NA campaign to test our understanding of convection and CH(2)O production mechanisms in the upper troposphere ( UT, 6-12 km) over continental North America and the North Atlantic Ocean. The present study utilizes these TDLAS measurements and results from a box model to ( 1) establish sets of conditions by which to distinguish "background'' UT CH(2)O levels from those perturbed by convection and other causes; ( 2) quantify the CH(2)O precursor budgets for both air mass types; (3) quantify the fraction of time that the UT CH(2)O measurements over North America and North Atlantic are perturbed during the summer of 2004; ( 4) provide estimates for the fraction of time that such perturbed CH(2)O levels are caused by direct convection of boundary layer CH(2)O and/or convection of CH(2)O precursors; ( 5) assess the ability of box models to reproduce the CH(2)O measurements; and ( 6) examine CH(2)O and HO(2) relationships in the presence of enhanced NO. Multiple tracers were used to arrive at a set of UT CH(2)O background and perturbed air mass periods, and 46% of the TDLAS measurements fell within the latter category. In general, production of CH(2)O from CH(4) was found to be the dominant source term, even in perturbed air masses. This was followed by production from methyl hydroperoxide, methanol, PAN-type compounds, and ketones, in descending order of their contribution. At least 70% to 73% of the elevated UT observations were caused by enhanced production from CH(2)O precursors rather than direct transport of CH(2)O from the boundary layer. In the presence of elevated NO, there was a definite trend in the CH(2)O measurement-model discrepancy, and this was highly correlated with HO(2) measurement - model discrepancies in the UT.
Kim, S, Huey LG, Stickel RE, Tanner DJ, Crawford JH, Olson JR, Chen G, Brune WH, Ren X, Lesher R et al..  2007.  Measurement of HO(2)NO(2) in the free troposphere during the intercontinental chemical transport experiment - North America 2004. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 112(D12) AbstractWebsite
The first direct in situ measurements of HO(2)NO(2) in the upper troposphere were performed from the NASA DC-8 during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment-North America 2004 with a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS). These measurements provide an independent diagnostic of HO(x) chemistry in the free troposphere and complement direct observations of HOx, because of the dual dependency of HO(2)NO(2) on HO(x) and NO(x). On average, the highest HO(2)NO(2) mixing ratio of 76 pptv ( median = 77 pptv, sigma = 39 pptv) was observed at altitudes of 8-9 km. Simple steady state calculations of HO(2)NO(2), constrained by measurements of HO(x), NO(x), and J values, are in good agreement (slope = 0.90, R(2) = 0.60, and z = 5.5-7.5 km) with measurements in the midtroposphere where thermal decomposition is the major loss process. Above 8 km the calculated steady state HO(2)NO(2) is in poor agreement with observed values (R(2) = 0.20) and is typically larger by a factor of 2.4. Conversely, steady state calculations using model-derived HOx show reasonable agreement with the observed HO(2)NO(2) in both the midtroposphere ( slope = 0.96, intercept = 7.0, and R(2) = 0.63) and upper troposphere ( slope = 0.80, intercept = 32.2, and R(2) = 0.58). These results indicate that observed HO(2) and HO(2)NO(2) are in poor agreement in the upper troposphere but that HO(2)NO(2) levels are consistent with current photochemical theory.
Hennigan, CJ, Sandholm S, Kim S, Stickel RE, Huey GL, Weber RJ.  2006.  Influence of Ohio River valley emissions on fine particle sulfate measured from aircraft over large regions of the eastern United States and Canada during INTEX-NA. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 111(D24) AbstractWebsite
Aircraft measurements of fine inorganic aerosol composition were made with a particle-into-liquid sampler coupled to dual ion chromatographs (PILS-IC) as part of the NASA INTEX-NA study. The sampling campaign, which lasted from 1 July to 14 August 2004, centered over the eastern United States and Canada and showed that sulfate was the dominant inorganic species measured. The highest sulfate concentrations were observed at altitudes below 2 km, and back trajectory analyses showed a distinct difference between air masses that had or had not intercepted the Ohio River valley (ORV) region. Air masses encountered below 2 km with a history over the ORV had sulfate concentrations that were higher by a factor of 3.2 and total sulfur (S) concentrations higher by 2.5. The study's highest sulfate concentrations were found in these air masses. The sulfur of the ORV air masses was also more processed with a mean sulfate to total sulfur molar ratio of 0.5 compared to 0.3 in non-ORV measurements. Results from a second, independent trajectory model agreed well with those from the primary analysis. These ORV-influenced air masses were encountered on multiple days and were widely spread across the eastern United States and western Atlantic region.