The Tropospheric Oxidation Capacity Research Group

Biosphere-Atmosphere-Human Interactions

3216 Croul Hall Irvine CA 92627 (email)

UCI Tropospheric Oxidation Capacity Research Group

We are exploring interactions between biosphere-atmosphere-human, specifically, how the interactions affect on the oxidation capacity of the troposphere that controls fates of trace gases and secondary photochemical product (e.g ozone and secondary aerosols) productions. Our research tools are mainly in-situ measurement instrumentation to precisely quantify very reactive radical species in the troposphere and we deploy the instrumentation to the environmentally critical locations.

News (updated Aug 7th 2013)

El Centro Field Works: In collaboration with scientists at UC Riversides, Amy is working on deploying a NO2 analyzer to a Soregum plantation at UC Extension in El Centro CA. Amy will explore NOx emissions from the Soregum plantation especially relationships between fertilizer applications and Nitrogen compound emissions. 

The Kim Lab google+ site Opened: You can follow what's going on research and teaching activities ( - Aug 7th

The SOAS field campaign: Saewung and Ian deployed OH, OH reactivity and NO2 instruments to the SOAS field campaign. The research activities are supportive by the EPA star grant ( -Aug 7th 

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