Land ecosystems and land use change

Terrestrial ecosystems and their services are key elements of the climate system and global biogeochemical cycles, but are rapidly changing due to urbanization, climate change, and the high demand for food, fiber, and bioenergy. ESS researchers use observations, field experiments, and model simulations to study land-atmosphere interactions, ecosystem-climate feedbacks, and human impacts on the integrity of terrestrial ecosystems. Our group aims to identify tipping point elements in Earth’s biosphere-climate-human systems and to promote more sustainable use, management, and conservation of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems.

Research Groups
Randerson Group
Jim Randerson

Global change in terrestrial ecosystems

Goulden Group
Michael Goulden

How terrestrial ecosystems work, with an emphasis on what controls the exchanges of gases and energy between land surfaces and the atmosphere

Trumbore Group
Sue Trombore

Application of radiocarbon to study the dynamics of carbon cycling in plants and soils

Biosphere-Atmosphere-Human Interaction Research Group
Saewung Kim

How biosphere-atmosphere-human interactions are affecting tropospheric oxidation capacity

Biosphere Atmosphere Interactions Group
Alex Guenther

Investigating biosphere-atmosphere interactions on scales of individual cells to the whole earth system to improve predictions of biogeochemical fluxes, atmospheric composition, air pollution, climate and ecosystem health.

Egoh Group
Benis Egoh

Mapping and valuing of ecosystem services to understanding the economic consequences of land degradation on human well-being

Sea Level and Gravimetry
Isabella Velicogna

Employs advanced multi-sensor geophysical techniques, including satellite time-variable gravity (GRACE), to study the mass balance of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets and glaciers worldwide

Czimczik Group
Claudia Czimczik

Combines field observation with geochemical analyses to understand how climate and anthropogenic activities impact carbon cycling and storage in (Arctic) land ecosystems, air pollution, and the global carbon cycle.

Allison Group
Steven Allison

Applying empirical and theoretical approaches to understand microbial processes under global environmental change

Faculty & Researchers
Jim Randerson
Professor of Earth System Science
Michael Goulden
Professor of Earth System Science
Sue Trumbore
Professor of Earth System Science
Saewung Kim
Associate Professor of Earth System Science
Alex Guenther
Professor of Earth System Science
Benis Egoh
Assistant Professor of Earth System Science
Steve Allison
Professor Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Isabella Velicogna
Professor of Earth System Science
Claudia Czimczik
Associate Professor of Earth System Science


Martiny’s research focuses on the impact of climate change on the oceans.
Kyriacos Athanasiou and Eric Rignot recognized for outstanding research leadership.
New UC Irvine research reveals how extreme heat events can make everyday greenery a hidden contributor to air pollution.

The Department of Earth System Science acknowledges our presence on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Acjachemen and Tongva peoples, who still hold strong cultural, spiritual and physical ties to this region.