Reeburgh Lecture Series
The Carelyn Y. and William S. Reeburgh Endowed Earth System Science Lecture Series honors the late Professor William “Bill” S. Reeburgh (1940-2021), a founding professor of our Department, and his wife Carelyn.
Past lectures in this series
For video footage of all past lectures in the Reeburgh Lecture Series, please visit the Reeburgh Lecture Series Archives.
2024. Prof. Susan Lozier. The meridional overturning circulation in the North Atlantic: new results and new questions
2023. Dr. David Battisti. The perplexing trends in climate over the Pacific Ocean and why they are important
2020. Dr. Claire Parkinson. A Satellite-Derived 42-Year Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Record
2019. Dr. Scott Doney. The Changing Seascape of Ocean Science Research
2018. Dr. Edward Brook. Update from the Ice: New Views of the History of Climate and Greenhouse Gases from Ice Cores
2014. Dr. David Victor. Getting Serious About International Cooperation on Climate Change
2013. Dr. James White. Ice Cores, Sea Level, and Abrupt Climate Change
2012. Dr. Bill Reeburgh. A Journey Through Methane Biogeochemistry